Tuesday 15 March 2011

Photos that I may use

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I chose these pictures as I thought that they were the most striking out of all of the ones that I took.
Also with the other pictures they didn't work as well as they could have as I used a torch to lighten up the surroundings, and sometimes it went into the shot making the picture look a little strange; although sometimes it worked to my advantage and made it look different to other current music magazine pictures.

Here are some of the pictures that didn't work

Mock Up

This is what I plan my front page to look like. I have followed the codes and conventions of magazine making by displaying a list of bands at the bottom along with the bar code, and having the name of the magazine at the top of the page. I plan to use red and black as my main colours as they suit my genre.I will use a mid/ long shot of a person out of a band on the cover. The loctaion will be in the wood, most likely at the swing area. The member of the band will have volumous, bold hair and be wearing brightly coloured clothes.

 Here is the mock up of the contents page. I have followed on with the use of black and red to keep it consistent. In the three separate boxes I will use pictures of members of the bands that are featured in the magazine and emphasise that these are the main features of this issue. All of the other articles will be grouped together in the large rectangular box so that they are all together. At the top of the page it will simply say 'contents' and this will be written in an interesting looking font. 

Here is the mock up of my double page spread. The actual interveiw will be on the right hand side so that if needed it can continue of the next page. Also it will be placed here so that it doesn't draw attension away from the main image that will take up over half of the page. The main image will be a long shot of the two members of the band, holding their instruments, in the location of the beck which is in the woods. Above the interveiw will be a small picture of a mid/close up shot of the two members of the band to show their faces. The band name will be spread out along the top of the page in the font that it was written in on the front page to carry on the house style, and also to make it clear to the reader which band this article is on.

Photography Planning

Now that I have arranged where my photo shoot may take place, I need to plan costume, props and what I want the models to do.


Hair- When I think of rock'n' roll/ indie bands I think of big, colourful hair. Therefore this is what I am going to have in my magazine. I will make sure that the band members have different coloured hair, and make it voluminous to make them stand out.

Clothing- As my magazine genre is rock/ indie I will have the band wearing something their usual clothes to make their style look individual, but add colourful jewellry such as beads to make it look more rock.

Make Up- The models will wear bold make up on either their eyes or lips so that it stands out, but at the same time isn't too much.

 <- Bright red lipstick

 Black eye liner ->


Musical Instruments related to genre- Electric Guitars, microphone.



When doing my photo shoot, i will use props like these to make my magazine stand out, but still look music- related. I will use take ideas from these current music magazines with the way that they are holding/ using the props, for example if I choose to use the electric guitar then the band member will likely to be looking like they are playing it.

What will the band be doing?
Generally on the front cover of music magazines the image is a mid shot of a person/ people that are the main focus of the issue, so for mine I will follow this guidline. I may use some of the props showed above to show the reader that this is a music magazine.
For my double page spread I may use:

All of the band playing their instruments in one shot spread across the page.
A mid/ close up shot of the band members faces.

Location of photo shoot

These are the locations I have found that I may use in the photo shoot for my music magazine.

They are all located in the woods, as I think that it will fit in well with my genre. This is because it is messy and has naturally dark lighting which works well with the rock and roll theme. Also the locations I have chosen are different to places used in current magazines, therefore making it stand out. The first two locations will be used on the double page spread as will not work as well on the front page or contents page as there will be too much going on in the photograph. Although the final two photos may be used on both contents and front page, as they will work better as being a mid/ long shot and create an eye catching image.

Market Research

When carrying out my market research I created a questionnaire on the website 'Survey Monkey' and then inserted it onto Facebook to receive answers. Here are the results that I received:

I asked this question to find out what genre of magazine is the most popular at the moment with my target audience. I found that Kerrang was the most popular followed by NME. This has supported my idea of making a rock/indie magazine as these are the genres of these magazines. I gave the option of writing 'none' as I thought that if someone was going to give an answer, it should be a real one so that it didn't effect my results.
I made this question to find out what the most important feature in a music magazine so that I knew what to highlight on the front cover of my own music magazine. I found that the most important feature was interviews with bands so I will have to make it clear on the front cover what bands are included in the issue. I can team this up the 'lots of pictures' as it will brighten up not only the front page, but also the double page spread that is to be made. I will only write 'freebies' and 'competitions' using a smaller font, because when asked in the questionnaire people felt they were the least significant.

I made this question to find out what kind of bands people were currently listening to, so that I could incorporate them into my double page spread and front cover. Also it encouraged me to find out about bands/artists that I was not familiar with to see what their 'look' was so that it could give me inspiration when taking my pictures.

I chose this question because I needed help narrowing down the names that I could potentially use for my music magazine. The two most popular names were 'After Shock' and 'Fusion'; I think this was because they are the most snappy and different to magazines currently on the market. I will choose which name to use when actually creating my magazine to see which one suits the genre the best and is the most effective.

I found creating this questionnaire extremely helpful as it has given me ideas on what to focus my music magazine on and what people actually want in a magazine.

Monday 14 March 2011

Remake of an existing magazine

I am recreating a music magazine that is currently on the market mainly because I want to practice how to use the tools on Photoshop and find out how different things work before making my final music magazine. This is the magazine that I have chosen to recreate on Adobe Photoshop. I have chosen NME because I wanted to make something that was similar to my final magazine so that I can test out different tools and look at the layout that it uses. Also I have chosen this certain issue as it is simpler than others, so that it will not be too hard when first making this practice piece. When recreating the front cover I will try to make it as similar as possible.

Here is my recreation of the NME front cover. I think that it does look rather good, although it is not exact and I have found that it has helped me use Photoshop and prepared me for when making my final music magazine.

Good Points
- The placing of objects are in the correct places
-The colours used are almost identical
-The expressions on the peoples faces are close to the ones shown in the NME magazine.

Bad Points
-The fonts aren't very similar
-The mid shot image needed to be placed slightly higher
-The lighting on the mid shot image needs to be brightened

Naming my Magazine

I made this mind map to help me create a name for my music magazine. I looked through different instrument names, and words associated with rock,indie and music.
I have narrowed it down to the following words:
-After Shock
When doing my market research I will ask different people which name is more effective

Sunday 6 March 2011

Mood Board

I made this mood board to get down all of my ideas for making the final magazine. I have looked at colour schemes, words and different names that are relevant to my genre, which I have decided to be rock/indie.
I have decided to use the colours red, orange, black, blue and white as my house style colours as I think that they are bold and they fit in well with my genre because when contrasting these colours (like NME did with the yellow and black) it makes them stand out more and appear more striking.
Also I have included current and past bands/artists to broaden my target audience out even further so that it will be more of a success. I will remain in  the same genre but include past, recent and new bands in my magazine like 'mumford and sons', 'the beatles' and so on.
Instruments that are relevant to my genre are likely to be in my photo shoot for the real music magazine as it illustrates to the audience what type of music is displayed in this new magazine and also they are great props to use.
I have placed possible names for my music magazine with different fonts, to see what works well and to determine whether the fonts fit in with the genre. 

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Analysis of a Front Cover

I have analysed the front cover of the music magazine, Kerrang, to give me ideas on how real magazines layout their headlines and pictures.

I have created a Prezi to display my findings and analysis.